Well... If you know me at all you know that I complain on a daily basis about my job. Lately I have been really convicted about this, because well the truth is I really do love my job. These first few days of school can be rather well ummmmm....... trying .......with a new bunch of second graders. I am constantly teaching rules and procedures.... how to put you backpack away,how to throw away trash, how to sharpen your pencil, how to walk in the hall, how to use the bathroom etc. This can be rather boring and kind of repetetive, but I thougth about how exciting it is for my kids to learn. They love every minute of the first days of school. New pencils, New crayons, New classroom. They absolutley eat up every word I say. I could tell them they had to do 15 jumping jacks before they could use the bathroom and they would probably do it. Anyways, as of today I am changing my attitude and going to make 2nd grade for these little ones their best year ever! I am going to make every activity exciting and try to introduce these somewhat limited children to new experiences and new people. So if you have any thing fun you want to share with my class bring it on!
I think that's an awesome attitude Coxy! Seriously, you are exactly right- these kids really soak up every word you say and probably mimmic your attitude as well. You go girl- I wish you were my teacher :) And the classroom looks great!!
ReplyDeleteYou are such a blessing in those children's lives. I still remember my second grade teacher, Mrs.Stevenson, and she has always been my favorite. I pray you have a wonderful, exciting, low-stress year. :) Keep us updated as to how things are going.
ReplyDeleteGood for you! I'm sure your brother has something fun to share with the class, don't you think?
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome! You really will make such a difference in their lives- proud of you! I wish you could have taught me second grade :)