I mean seriously... Who saw that game last night! It was the most nerve racking 4 hours of my life. As an Auburn grad i usually only feel this way about the iron bowl, but seriously it was Awesome. I have grown up being a Saints fan simply because that was all i knew. I heard stories of Archie Manning and losing seasons( nicknamed the Aint's) , but never once have I been able to cheer for the Saints in a SuperBowl. So Febuary 7 you better believe i will be decked out in black and gold... Screaming Who Dat! at the top of my lungs!
This saints season has been such a boost for the city.. Not only has it helped the economy, but it has yet again give the citizens of New Orleans a reason to pull together and support something so wonderful. So when it comes to choosing you Superbowl pick! Root for the Underdog! Pull for th Saints!
You know Peyton Manning secretly wants the Saints to win... afterall they taught him everything her knows!
WHO DAT!! You better bring your black and gold to NOLA for Mardi Gras too because I bet we will be waiving to the Saints in all of the parades they are riding in!! Can't wait to see you!