For all those non- teachers out there. I want to let you in on all elementary teachers personal hell... October thru December. We celebrate and talk about holidays from no till we get out for Christmas. The kids are on one big sugar high until Januray. The holiday season has officially kicked off and while we are not able to actually celebrate Halloween, I do have some tricks up my sleeve to ensure that i make it out of this week alive.

First off Let me introduce you to my classroom rules.
Pretty easy right?...... Wrong!
Here is my behavior managment system......( take notice of where the clothespins all are) If they break a rule they move their clip. Easy right? Wrong!
In order to earn this.........
You must keep your clip on Green all week.
This doesn't seem that hard, but considering the defiant personalities i have ... it has proved to be quite difficult for a few. I have had melt downs over these mini pumpkins by a few, but overall my children are behaving like sweet angels this week, at the chance to decorate and take home there very own baby pumpkin. Here's hoping they still care tomorrow! Happy Halloween!
**** You would not believe how many of my students had never touched a real pumpkin... SAD
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